Adverbs Of Frequency Using and Examples

English Adverbs Of Frequency Using and Examples


Adverbs Of Frequency Using and Examples

In this lesson, we will examine the topic of ‘Adverbs Of Frequency’. Frequency Adverbs, one of the important envelopes in English, is used to indicate how long a verb or event occurred in how long. Frequency Adverbs are generally used for events and situations that we do in daily life or live constantly. As an example of Frequency Adverbs, we can give examples of envelopes that do not specify a precise time interval such as “always, often, often, sometimes, rarely, very rare”, but still indicate a frequency.

In other words, they do not specify an exact time interval such as “1 in 2 weeks, every week, once a month, 5 times a year”.

For Types of Adverbs, Definition and Examples.

Where are Frequency Envelopes Used in English?

1) In English, Frequency Adverbs generally falls between subject and verb.

In Positive Phrases: (Subject) + (Frequency Adverb) + (Verb)

  • Example: I always go to school at 10 am.

In Negative Sentences: (Subject) + (Auxiliary Verb) + (Note) + (Frequency Adverb) + (Verb)

  • Example: He doesn’t usually go to work by bus.

In Question Sentences: (Auxiliary Verb) + (Subject) + (Frequency Adverb) + (Verb)

  • Example: Do you often visit your grandfather and grandmother?

(How often) + (Auxiliary Verb) + (Subject) + (Verb)

  • Example: How often does he visit his grandfather and grandmother?

Note: Frequency envelopes such as Usually, sometimes, often, occasionally and frequently can be used at the beginning or end of the sentence.

  • Example: Usually you brush your teeth

However, frequency envelopes such as always, rarely, seldom, hardly ever and never are not brought to the beginning and the end of the sentence.

2) If there is an auxiliary verb or modal, it falls between the auxiliary verb or modal and the verb. For example am, is, are, can, do, must, might, should etc.


In Positive Sentences: (Subject) + (Modal / Auxiliary Verb) + (Frequency Adverb) + (Verb)

  • Example: You can usually get tickets on the Internet

In Negative Sentences: (Subject) + (Modal / Auxiliary Verb) + (note) + (Frequency Adverb) + (Verb)

  • Example: You can not always win the exam.

In Question Statements: (Modal / Auxiliary Verb) + (Subject) + (Frequency Adverb) + (Verb)

  • Example: Could you rarely water the flowers?

(How often) + (Modal / Auxiliary Verb) + (Subject) + (Verb)

  • Example: How often could you water the flowers?

English Frequency Envelopes Ranking

We learned how to use Frequency Adverbs. Well, which of these envelopes indicate how often and let’s look at it. Let’s give these frequencies as a table, respectively.

  1. Always
  2. usually
  3. Generally
  4. often
  5. sometimes
  6. occasionally
  7. rarely
  8. Hardly ever
  9. Never

Note: Since words like never and hardly ever are a negative expression, they are used with positive sentences in terms of structure. For example:

  • You hardly ever go to the cinema. (True)
  • You don’t hardly ever g oto the cinema. (False)
  • She never flirts. (True)
  • She doest’s never flirts. (False)

We have specified the frequency envelopes most frequently used in English. We examined its use and sample sentences. We looked at the special notes to be taken. So are these frequency envelopes just that? For example, how do we say that we eat 1 apple in 2 days? We can say often or often, but this may not be the exact frequency we want. Now let’s look at these types of frequency envelopes, and then look at the mixed examples of the subject and review what I learned.

Frequency Envelopes Precisely Indicated in English

We understand that the frequency envelopes that are strictly stated in English, as the name suggests, have frequency envelopes such as “twice a day, three times a week, once a month, six times a year”. Let’s take a look at its usage:

These frequency envelopes are usually brought to the end of the sentence. For example:

  • They go to school only 3 days a week.
  • We had 3 written exams in 3 days.
  • He only finished 1 book in 2 months.
  • Brushes your teeth 3 times a day.
  • They read newspapers every day.

Note: Envelopes that indicate the exact frequency that we have specified usually arrive at the end of the sentence, but this may not always be the case. Its use at the beginning of the sentence is also correct. However, it does not go between the verb and the subject, such as sometimes and often, or between the modal and the auxiliary verb and the subject.

Frequency Adverbs Example Sentences

  • He usually combs his hair and brush his teeth.
  • She rarely goes to school.
  • I usually go to my hometown by plane.
  • They always tired because they do strenuous work all the time.
  • Sam and Tina are two good friends and never lie to each other.
  • You talk to many people every day, take frequent time for this.
  • He cleans his cell phone once a week.
  • How often do you get a new slipper and dress?
  • They run rarely in the summer.
  • You often becomes tired and sick.
  • They can’t always beat this football team.
  • Tim is never late for school.
  • Samara never argues with me.

Here are Adverbs of Frequency Table

100% ALWAYS Everyone always speaks well of Mark.
90% USUALLY She usually fed her cat cheap cat food.
80% GENERALLY A sentence normally has a subject and a verb.
70% OFTEN I used to often take walks along that road.
50% SOMETIMES Married people sometimes wish they were single.
30% OCCASIONALLY occasionally eat meat.
15% SELDOM My father seldom watches TV at night.
5% RARELY He rarely makes a mistake.
0% NEVER never forget a face.