Sentences with Cough, Cough in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Cough

Sentences with Cough, Cough in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Cough


1. Alex coughed loudly.

2. Alex heard coughing.

3. I can’t stop coughing.

4. My cough is getting worse.

5. Frank coughed up some blood.


6. Jessica coughed up some blood.

7. Alex’s cough is due to smoking.

8. Do you have any cough medicine?

9. Alex’s cough is due to smoking.

10. I have a cough and a little fever.

11. I stopped coughing after two days.


12. Both boys coughed at the same time.

13. The silence was broken by a loud cough.

14. Everyone in the classroom was coughing.

15. I’m concerned about my wife’s hacking cough.

16. Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.

17. Frank poured some cough medicine into a tablespoon.
