English Phrasal verbs with CHECK, Phrasal Verbs – CHECK, Definitions and Example Sentences
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Check into
to say who you’re at a hotel,etc. so that you can be given a key for your room
I checked into a motel and relax.
Check in
to register the arrival of (passengers, etc)
We will check in tomorrow.
Check off
to mark with a tick
Let’s check off the names of the people to be invited.
Check up
to investigate
He was careful enough to check up every detail.
Check over
to examine
Check over your exam paper for mistakes.
Check up on
to obtain information about sb/sth
I called Richard every day to check up on him.
Check back
to control again
You should check back in an hour.
Check out
to leave a hotel after paying and giving the room key
When you check out, leave the room key at reception .
Check on
to look at sb/sth to make sure that they are safe, correct, etc.:
We will need to check on our new employee‘s story