Science Vocabulary Words, Definition and Examples

Science Vocabulary Words, Definition and Examples


Science Vocabulary Words, Definition and Examples


Science Vocabulary Words

So far, many scientific articles and many scientific words have been written in the articles. It is very important to know these terms correctly in order to understand the articles. This lesson was created for the science vocabulary words part.

Science vocabulary words are:

Allele: One of two or more alternative forms of a gene.

Anagenesis: Derivation by change without speciation.

Background Disappearance: Permanent disappearance of a certain number of species in all geological periods.


Archetypal: Belonging to the primitive form in the organization of all living things in a group.

Purifying Selection: Elimination of harmful alleles in a society.

Genre now: The kind left behind. For example, the species left behind from a group that disappeared.

Selfish DNA: DNA sequence that has the ability to match itself, but has no function or harm to the living creature it contains.

Analogous Evolution: Independent evolution of similar traits in the same evolutionary lineages, often with different primitive or separate developmental ways.

Evolution in Unity: Co-evolution of two or more (ecologically interacting) species in response to selection pressure created by a species.


Biogeography: The discipline that studies the geographical distribution of living things.

Gravitational Exclusion: A community of one species disappears as a result of contention with another species.

Multi-Origin (Polyphiletics): A taxon composed of members that evolved from more than one ancestor and therefore did not have a single common ancestor.

Dimorphic: Two separate forms.

Dioik (Two Evcikli): The sex organs are in separate individuals.

Natural Selection: The process in which individuals with low selection values ​​in each generation are excluded from the population.

Ecological Niche: The range of combinations of all relevant environmental variables in which a species or community can survive. It is also often used for the role of a species in the ecosystem.

Ecological Emission: The expansion of the ecological niche when a community’s pressure to compete with other species decreases.

Evolution: The origin of living things with different states of one or more features, and changes in their proportion over time.

Evolutionary Separation: The evolution of increasing differences for one or more traits between lineages.

Phenotype: Properties observed in a living thing depending on the environment.

Phylogeny: The evolutionary history of a species or taxa.

Phylogenetic Type: A basic set of living things that have an ancestral relationship and can be clearly separated from other clusters.

Phylogenetic Tree: Diagram showing the relationship between ancestry and derivation between a species or population group. It is also referred to as an evolutionary tree.

Phylum: Large groups of organisms, such as cephalopods, chordata, arthropods.

Transition Form: The species that has common characteristics of both ancestors and derivative groups.

Development: The stages that an individual undergoes from the fertilized egg until his death.

Genome: The sum of all DNA sequences in a cell or a living thing.

Genotype: A set of genes owned by a living individual.

Line Separation: A different single gene line dominates in each of the species carrying various gene lines inherited from a common ancestral species.

Homoplasy: Structural similarity resulting from parallel evolution rather than from common ancestors.

Race: A community in a particular geographic region that differs from one or more features in the other region.

First Form: The first organism. The first living thing that can evolve through natural selection.

Iteropar: Identifies a population or species that has individuals who have had multiple reproductive events throughout their lives. People are an example of this.

Sister Taxa: Derived from a close common ancestor, so two species or higher taxa that are closely related to each other.

Sibling Species: Species that are impossible or difficult to separate by their morphological features, but that can be separated by their ecology, behavior, chromosomes or other similar features.

Cladistic Classification: Classifies living creatures in order of separation from their common ancestors.

Parallel Evolution: Independent evolution of similar or identical traits independently of each other in close lines of ancestry, where ancestors had different phenotypic features.

Macro Evolution: Evolutionary innovations such as evolution, higher taxon and new structures that occur above species level.

Micro Evolution: Evolution that occurs at or below species level.

Molecular Evolution: Evolution in terms of DNA or proteins.

Molecular Clock: Dating evolutionary events according to DNA or protein changes.

Mosaic Evolution: Evolution of features in a lineage at different speeds and therefore independently.

Mutation: Hereditary change in genes or proteins.

Panmicsis: Random mating between individuals in a community.

Pedomorphosis: The appearance of adult, sexual characteristics in ancestors in non-adult developmental stages.

Pleiotropy: When a gene affects multiple features.

Selection: Phenotypically success of different classes of beings to survive or reproduce randomly.

Senata: The last common ancestor of all living organisms.

Leap Balance: Extremely fast, normal or slow evolutionary changes as a result of specitorial evolution.

Sinodontes: Extinct reptiles, the ancestors of mammals.

Taxon: Named classification unit to which individuals or species sets are assigned.

Genre: Members of a group that can reproduce or potentially reproduce by mating.

Duplicate Mutation: Repetitive occurrence of certain mutations in a species.
