Sentences with Accurate, Accurate in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Accurate

Sentences with Accurate, Accurate in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Accurate


1. My watch is accurate.

2. I’d say that’s accurate.

3. This is pretty accurate.

4. My watch is very accurate.

5. Her data is not accurate at all.


6. This data isn’t accurate at all.

7. His data is not accurate at all.

8. Reality is frequently inaccurate.

9. I’m not sure how accurate that is.

10. This data is anything but accurate.

11. The clock on that tower is accurate.


12. The assistant gave an accurate report.

13. Jessica can assess investments very accurately.

14. I cringed at her entirely accurate summary of the kiss.

15. Recently announced data are undoubtedly extremely inaccurate.

16. A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty.

17. Good intentions are ubiquitous in politics; what is scarce is accurate beliefs.

18. I nearly choked on my beer when he summarized my capacities so succinctly – and, for the most part accurately.

19. Simply put, you believer that things or people make you unhappy, but this is not accurate. You make yourself unhappy.

20. Science is simply common sense at its best, that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.

21. A painstaking course in qualitative and quantitative analysis by John Wing gave me an appreciation of the need for, and beauty of, accurate measurement.
