Sentences with Administer, Administer in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Administer

Sentences with Administer, Administer in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Administer


1. He administered his friend’s affairs.

2. For Forms of Government let fools contest whatever is best administered is best.

3. So the heavy dose of morphling administered after the whipping wasn’t enough to erase that from his consciousness.

4. In a free society the state does not administer the affairs of men. It administers justice among men who conduct their own affairs.

5. She was one of those Southerners who knew from an early age that the South could never be more for them than a fragrant prison, administered by a collective of loving but treacherous relatives.


6. In politics we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state. When we are ill… we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one.

7. It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it.

8. Libertarians argue that no normal adult has the right to impose choices on other normal adults, except in abnormal circumstances, such as when one person finds another unconscious and administers medical assistance or calls an ambulance.

9. Whether it’s possible or not, being a doctor, you take an oath. To care for your patient, not to kill them. You take an oath to do things that are proper in the medical world. Not to administer something outside of a hospital setting that’s not even your area.
