Sentences with Breast, Breast in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Breast

Sentences with Breast, Breast in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Breast


1. Breasts are a scandal because they shatter the border between motherhood and sexuality.

2. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 13 and it was something we weren’t really aware of as a family.

3. American men, as a group, seem to be interested in only two things, money and breasts. It seems a very narrow outlook.

4. My mom, she’s a breast cancer survivor and because of that I had started getting mammograms once a year, starting at age 30.

5. I am, to be blunt and concise, in love only with myself, my puny being with its small inadequate breasts and meager, thin talents.


6. Some people think having large breasts makes a woman stupid. Actually, it’s quite the opposite: a woman having large breasts makes men stupid.

7. I have no qualms about saying I am more confident in the medical treatment in America. The breast cancer survival rate is 20 per cent higher than in the UK.

8. Cancer has been unfortunately in my life. My mom’s best friend is kicking ass in her battle with breast cancer. Both of my grandmas had cancer. I recently lost a friend to cancer.

9. My mom breastfed me for more than a year, and I can’t imagine doing it any other way. It’s cheap and much better for the environment, and you don’t have to lug all that stuff around.
