Sentences with Columnist, Columnist in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Columnist

Sentences with Columnist, Columnist in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Columnist


1. I was talking to syndicated newspaper columnist and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer just after Clinton’s final e-mail scandal broke.

2. Personal columnists are jackals and no jackal has been known to live on grass once he had learned about meat – no matter who killed the meat for him.

3. The teen years are not a vacation from responsibility,” we had told the columnist. “They are the training ground of future leaders who dare to be responsible.

4. Newspaper columnist Dave Barry once wrote that the motto of the wedding industry is, ‘Money can’t buy you happiness, so you might as well give your money to us.

5. It’s more believable that a cop would get involved in solving these murders. I mean, you’re talking about writing a series. How believable is it that this Hollywood gossip columnist is going to keep stumbling on all these murders?
