Sentences with Frustration, Frustration in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Frustration
1. I understand your frustration.
2. He saw it in her eyes. The anguish, the frustration.
3. hildren exhibit a low tolerance for the frustrations of learning.
4. Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion.
5. For all his frustrations and his chronic sense of being overburdened.
6. To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.
7. I don’t play pyrotechnic scales. I play about frustration, patience, anger. Music is an extension of my soul.
8. One source of frustration in the workplace is the frequent mismatch between what people must do and what people can do.
9. Teachers in schools that did not limit the extremes with the cluster classroom have expressed frustration at the required range of instruction.
10. Life is like topography, Hobbes. There are summits of happiness and success, flat stretches of boring routine and valleys of frustration and failure.
11. I loved raising my kids. I loved the process, the dirt of it, the tears of it, the frustration of it, Christmas, Easter, birthdays, growth charts, pediatrician appointments. I loved all of it.
12. Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.