Sentences with More, More in a Sentence in English, Sentences For More

Sentences with More, More in a Sentence in English, Sentences For More


1. I want more money.

2. The more the merrier.

3. They needed more time.

4. I have more work to do.

5. We will need more food.


6. We don’t have more time.

7. I need more information.

8. Can you be more explicit?

9. Women are more sensitive.

10. Please speak more slowly.

11. Tell me more about Steve.


12. Do more than dream: work.

13. I’ll stay a few more days.

14. Eat more fresh vegetables.

15. I feel more confident now.

16. Can I have some more milk?

17. I’ll stay a few more days.

18. You should be more patient.

19. I need a little more space.

20. The soup needs more garlic.

21. You should do more exercise.

22. I have had more than enough.

23. We ought to smile more often.

24. No more rhymes now I mean it!

25. Could I have some more coffee?

26. Would you like some more lemon?

27. How many more forks do we need?

28. It must be done more carefully.

29. The more haste, the less speed.

30. I should’ve been more thorough.

31. You need to look more carefully.

32. I could use a little more money.

33. Gold is more precious than iron.

34. She will try to earn more money.

35. He is more intelligent than Sam.

36. A man can do no more than he can.

37. Many words hurt more than swords.

38. I’ll tell you this one more time.

39. Lookers-on see more than players.

40. The boy is more clever than wise.

41. There won’t be any more problems.

42. You should try to be more polite.

43. I don’t want any more complaining.

44. The company gained more customers.

45. She declined to say more about it.

46. 82.Pay more attention to your car.

47. People grow more cynical with age.

48. Hey! Can you drive more carefully?

49. I will tell you this one more time.

50. Nature can do more than physicians.

51. You must eat more fresh vegetables.

52. You should have spoken more kindly.

53. We can’t afford any more casualties.

54. Mary advised him to drink more milk.

55. No gift is more precious than trust.

56. Standers-by see more than gamesters.

57. They are more or less the same size.

58. Four eyes see more (better) than two.

59. John changed jobs to earn more money.

60. Alex and I need to collect more data.

61. We need more medical care for infants.

62. New York is more crowded than Chicago.

63. Steve lost more than thirty kilograms.

64. Don’t squeeze any more into the trunk.

65. He who talks more is sooner exhausted.

66. I have to assign more men to that work.

67. Example has more followers than reason.

68. Gluttony kills more men than the sword.

69. The less men think, the more they talk.

70. The bay has more yachts than sailboats.

71. People achieve more when they cooperate.

72. Wine hath drowned more men than the sea.

73. It is more active in agricultural areas.

74. Never promise more than you can perform.

75. Attitudes are more important than facts.

76. It’s more polite to say thin than skinny.

77. I encouraged Alex to exercise more often.

78. Time is more precious than anything else.

79. There are more ways to the wood than one.

80. Divorce is becoming more common nowadays.

81. There is more than one way to kill a cat.

82. Steve earns more money than he can spend.

83. Alex’s annual income is more than $5.000.

84. There’s many a man has more hair than wit.

85. Science is more difficult than Literature.

86. So muchly much-much more unlucky than you!

87. I just wish I could contribute more money.

88. We know of more than 100 billion galaxies.

89. More and more people began raising cattle.

90. My brother earns three times more than me.

91. She had more curves than a scenic railway.

92. Alex has bitten off more than he can chew.

93. I could not agree with you more my friend.
