Sentences with Note, Note in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Note
1. I am writing a note.
2. Alex sent me a note.
3. Alex shut his notebook.
4. Didn’t you get my note?
5. What is Japan noted for?
6. Could I use your notebook?
7. Jessica is a noted singer.
8. Make a note of what I said.
9. Can I borrow your notebook?
10. My notebook is on the table.
11. Don’t send me notes anymore.
12. Could I borrow your notebook?
13. Steve took notes during class.
14. They have bought the notebook.
15. He did not take notes in class.
16. Whose is this red big notebook?
17. I wasn’t hitting the right notes.
18. He doesn’t even take notes in class.
19. Now listen carefully and take notes.
20. We noted that things were going well.
21. Whose notebook was stolen in the class?
22. Your notebook is more interesting than his.
23. He looked through his notes before the lecture.
24. I have got a few pencils in order to take notes.
25. Can you buy seventeen notebooks from the market?
26. As long as you need my notebook, you can keep it.
27. I copied a passage from the book into my notebook.
28. 8.Bring me a notebook right away to study my lessons.
29. Is that pink thick closed spiral notebook yours or mine?
30. I don’t like bringing it up but you still owe me a notebook.
31. I returned home because I had forgotten my notebook at home.
32. The beauty of it is when you can just show up and hit the notes.
33. Peruse a good book several times and make notes and analyses of it.
34. Tom and Chris acted nervous when our teacher found the note about her.
35. You can borrow my notebook provided that you promise to use carefully.
36. In spite of his brilliant intelligence, the lecture notes are very bad.