Sentences with Object, Object in a Sentence in English
1.We objected to her paying the bill.
2.When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.
3.As long as she thinks of a man, nobody objects to a woman thinking.
4.My brother objected to my going out yesterday.
5.The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.
6.I objected to being treated like a child.
7.I found a strange object lying on the road.
8.We learned about the relation of objects in the lesson.
9.A beautiful object like that never loses its value.
10.The great object of life is sensation- to feel that we exist, even though in pain.
11.What we seek, at the deepest level, is inwardly to resemble, rather than physically to possess, the objects and places that touch us through their beauty.
12.Only those who look with the eyes of children can lose themselves in the object of their wonder.