Sentences with Order, Order in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Order

Sentences with Order, Order in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Order


1. Can I order one?

2. Commander ordered.

3. I didn’t order it.

4. What did you order?

5. Carry out my orders!


6. I ordered fries, too.

7. Did you give the order?

8. Can you order one for me?

9. You’re disobeying orders.

10. This isn’t what I ordered.

11. This isn’t what I ordered.


12. Why did you disobey my order?

13. My sister ordered a cup of tea.

14. I’m carrying out Steve’s orders.

15. I could order you to go with me.

16. The doctor ordered to stay in bed.

17. The navy was ordered to go to sea.

18. We’ve been ordered to investigate.

19. I’ve ordered a book from

20. Steve disobeyed the captain’s orders.

21. Cargoes will be distributed in order.

22. He walked about in order to keep warm.

23. I moved nearer in order to hear better.

24. In order to win, you must expect to win.

25. Frank had all of his suits made to order.

26. You have to keep up with the urban order.

27. The chairman called the meeting to order.

28. The commander gave orders to the soldiers.

29. She skipped lunch in order to go shopping.

30. I don’t have to cook dinner, we will order.

31. I worked hard in order to support my family.

32. Minerals have an ordered atomic arrangement.

33. He got up early in order to catch the plane.

34. In order to be rich, you must use your mind.

35. Steve finished the beer and ordered another.

36. You’re in violation of the restraining order.

37. They had to call the police to restore order.

38. In order to sprout, seeds need air and water.

39. That’s reversing the logical order of things.

40. We will save money in order to buy a new house.

41. I went to shopping in order to buy a new jeans.

42. After decades of civil war, order was restored.

43. I will do my best in order to teach you English.

44. Chaos and Order are not enemies, only opposites.

45. I have got a few pencils in order to take notes.
