Sentences with Overlap, Overlap in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Overlap

Sentences with Overlap, Overlap in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Overlap


1.When performance exceeds ambition, the overlap is called success.

2.People tend not to use this word beauty because it’s not intellectual – but there has to be an overlap between beauty and intellect.

3.Only the ship is made of books, its sails thousands of overlapping pages, and the sea it floats upon is dark black ink.

4.And there are never really endings, happy or otherwise. Things keep going on, they overlap and blur, your story is part of your sister’s story is part of many other stories, and there is no telling where any of them may lead.

5.I always like that thought, the way two people really did seem to grow into one. Or at least two overlapping parts, trees with tangled roots.
