Sentences with Quote, Quote in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Quote

Sentences with Quote, Quote in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Quote


1. Can I quote you?

2. Quote me you best price.

3. Steve Jobs Quotes on Work

4. Can I quote your article?

5. You can quote books here.


6. Steve often quotes the Bible.

7. What’s your favorite funny quote?

8. She quoted me without my permission.

9. He quoted from this journal in his newly published article.

10. I do not quote my own movies. I think I would be pretty insufferable if I did.

11. I learned the bad guys are not always bad, the good guys are not always good, and to quote Captain Barbossa, the parameters are like rules, mostly guidelines. And that it takes a little bit of bad boy to fight the evil in the world.


12. If one is going to change the definition of marriage to be, quote, ‘same sex,’ then there is absolutely no valid argument constitutionally or rhetorically you can make against multiple people getting married. These are radical social changes.
