Sentences with Review, Review in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Review
1. Let’s review.
2. I enjoy previews.
3. I reviewed the file.
4. Let’s review Lesson 5.
5. I read all the reviews.
6. This is my last review.
7. This is my latest review.
8. Let me give you a preview.
9. We need to review the case.
10. Today I have to review French.
11. The movie received mixed reviews.
12. Almost all of the reviews of the play were favorable.
13. We had better review all subjects before the math exam.
14. You should spend a little time each day reviewing vocabulary.
15. Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.
16. That has received generally good reviews from a number of critics.
17. Steve could use a little extra time to review for the upcoming test.
18. Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
19. Life sometimes sends out previews – but It never reveals the Surprise Ending.
20. Reviewing what you have learned and learning anew, you are fit to be a teacher.
21. That’s what keeps me up at three in the morning: Who’s looking at reviews of Cabin Boy right now?
22. When you hire that first person, then you’re a boss. You’ve got performance reviews. You’ve got complaints about not making enough money. You’ve got people who are just going to sell your story to the tabloids.