Sentences with Shows, Shows in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Shows

Sentences with Shows, Shows in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Shows


1. The work shows the workman.

2. I never miss my sister’s talk shows.

3. The scar on his cheek hardly shows now.

4. A mirage sometimes shows up in Toyama Bay.

5. Do you prefer subtitled or dubbed TV shows?


6. The higher the ape goes, the more he shows his tail.

7. Do you prefer for television shows to be subtitled or dubbed?

8. A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing.

9. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

10. In spite of all the cooking shows I’ve watched, I’m still no good in the kitchen.

11. Thus happiness depends, as nature shows, less on exterior things than most suppose.


12. In the Rodgers and Hammerstein generation, popular hits came out of shows and movies.

13. Blondes make the best victims. They’re like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.

14. A preoccupation with the next world clearly shows an inability to cope credibly with this one.

15. I love what I do and I think it shows. As my kids get older, they can see me as a mom who loves working.

16. When a parent shows up with an attitude of entitlement, understand that under it is a boatload of anxiety.

17. I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.

18. Some apps focused on grammar. In those apps, your phone shows you random grammar rules like water reminder apps.

19. Mortal fear is as crucial a thing to our lives as love. It cuts to the core of our being and shows us what we are.

20. Science shows us truth and beauty and fills each day with a fresh wonder of the exquisite order which governs our world.

21. We outgrow love like other things and put it in a drawer, till it an antique fashion shows like costumes grandsires wore.

22. Money is such an amazing teacher: What you choose to do with your money shows whether you are truly powerful or powerless.

23. The teacher shows examples of food packaging to the class and read words that students are likely to know.

24. Subordinate clause is often used at the beginning of clauses, and subordinate clause shows its relationship with the main sentence.

25. No settlement with the majority is possible as no Hindu leader speaking with any authority shows any concern or genuine desire for it.

26. Maybe I’m old-fashioned. But I remember the beauty and thrill of being moved by Broadway musicals – particularly the endings of shows.

27. Remember my first tenet in getting dressed is how you feel in the morning. So if you’re not being true blue to that, it usually shows.

28. Water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness.
