Sentences with Still, Still in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Still

Sentences with Still, Still in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Still


1. Do you still care?

2. My legs still hurt.

3. Are you still busy?

4. You’re still shaking.

5. It’s still a big risk.


6. You’re still shivering.

7. My socks are still damp.

8. The stove was still hot.

9. Steve is still relaxing.

10. I’m still training Alex.

11. It’s still light outside.


12. The baby is still crying.

13. Alex is still in custody.

14. I am still doing my work.

15. We know you’re still there.

16. Is your uncle still abroad?

17. He is still full of energy.

18. Samuel is still frustrated.

19. I still don’t remember why.

20. Do you still collect stamps?

21. I still believe in marriage.

22. We’re still shopping around.

23. I still don’t think it’s fair.

24. I still have a young attitude.

25. I still have to go to the bank.

26. This book is still copyrighted.

27. The boy still hasn’t responded.

28. I’m still angry because of her.

29. At seventy, he is still active.

30. I am still angry because of her.

31. At that time, I was still awake.

32. George still doesn’t understand.

33. I think Steve is still breathing.

34. I still can’t help wondering why.

35. Besides, it’s still early for me.

36. I still can’t help wondering why.

37. They still clung to this doctrine.

38. Let’s hope Steve is still available.

39. You still hang out at the pool hall?

40. Frank still doesn’t look very happy.

41. We can still have lovers, short-term.

42. I still love the way you smile at me.

43. Are you still playing the basketball?

44. I wonder if Steve still lives in Paris.

45. I sometimes wish we were still married.

46. Beware of a silent dog and still water.

47. You can be sincere and still be stupid.

48. Pain is only relevant if it still hurts.

49. Is your father still at the same company?

50. Your license is still suspended, isn’t it?

51. Do the police still have Steve in custody?

52. The future is unclear. But it’s still mine.

53. At seventy, my father is still very active.

54. In black ink my love may still shine bright.

55. In an hour I’ll still be ironing my clothes.

56. Even though he apologized, I’m still furious.

57. Put on your red pants, this is still not dry.

58. I was still in elementary school at the time.

59. Steve’s reason for not going is still unclear.

60. In spite of the fog, planes are still landing.

61. You are still kind whom the same shape immures.

62. Scientists are still working to find a vaccine.

63. Tomorrow he’ll still be suffering from his cold.

64. Educational reforms still have a long way to go.

65. My mom, she’s still always there for me. Always.

66. Some people still hang themselves to death today.

67. The amount donated still falls short of the goal.

68. It is still not too late to apply for the contest.

69. I was very active in the peace movement, still am.

70. Though my car is very old, it still runs very well.

71. He was still in his teens when he founded a company.

72. Jessica is still a legendary figure in this company.

73. Even if you take a taxi, you’ll still miss your plane.

74. The leaves of the trees in the school were still green.

75. You still resist using that laptop even after two years.

76. I don’t mind that I’m fat. You still get the same money.

77. We are still very hungry, even though we ate very much .

78. It was still raining when Halsey woke up the next night.

79. I think….you still have no idea. The effect you can have.

80. Yes, we’re still five little people with a noisy attitude.

81. Although they have a lot of money, they’re still not happy.

82. Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.

83. I think….you still have no idea. The effect you can have.

84. I’m still going to go swimming in the sea even if it rains.

85. Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.

86. I don’t like bringing it up but you still owe me a notebook.

87. My sister still loves his despite the fact that he left him.

88. Samuel still loves him despite he was abandoned by his lover.

89. I do not support his ideas but we still care about his ideas.

90. 94.Although they have a lot of money, they’re still not happy.

91. The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.

92. There is still a future with music, because people want music.

93. 81.I’m still going to go swimming in the sea even if it rains.

94. Beauty is the still birth of suffering, every woman knows that.

95. Yes, I still love ‘South Park,’ but I also love morning TV now.

96. While I was cooking he was still playing games on the computer.

97. My sister still loves his in spite of the fact that he left him.

98. We are still very thirsty, even though we drank very much water.

99. Although my family have a lot of money, they’re still not happy.

100. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.

101. Furthermore, I still don’t think this a huge cultural difference.

102. Furthermore, I still don’t think this a huge cultural difference.

103. However cold it may be, Alex still jogs ten kilometers every day.

104. Samuel still loves him in spite of he was abandoned by his lover.

105. He is still pending approval of his application. This is very bad.

106. Even from a listening end now, I’m still completely a fan of music.

107. The nearest they can get to the idea is an enemy who is still alive.

108. I got up late today too, but I’ll surely still get all the work done.

109. I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.

110. In spite of the depression, the prices of commodities are still high.

111. When Rome burned, the emperor’s cats still expected to be fed on time.

112. He successfully graduated from university but still cannot find a job.

113. For the mind disturbed, the still beauty of dawn is nature’s finest balm.

114. It still must be incorporated into a whole, so be careful where you step.

115. My mom is still yelling at me because she needs more autographed pictures.

116. 133.He successfully graduated from university but still cannot find a job.

117. The next morning we saw nothing of the enemy, though we were still lying to.

118. will still be shining when thy last grandchild shall pass into the darkness.

119. Time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life.

120. It is impossible to experience one’s death objectively and still carry a tune.

121. The truth is you can have a great marriage, but there are still no guarantees.
