Sentences with Tag, Tag in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Tag

Sentences with Tag, Tag in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Tag


1. It’s an awful tag.

2. I got a new name tag today.

3. Clay, if anyone followed anyone, it was me tagging along after you. I didn’t dare order you around.

4. Header tags, also known as heading tags, are used to separate headings and subheadings on a webpage.

5. The most intelligent people disguise the fact that they are intelligent. Wise men do not wear name tags.


6. The price tag that you put on your soul will determine the people and circumstances in which you find yourself.

7. “I’m not a superhero,” I say. It’s an awful tag. It’s egotistical, and it doesn’t fit. I don’t parade around in spandex.

8. If we were teenagers, I could kiss you. But I’m on a platform behind a counter wearing a name tag and we’re too old to be young.
