Sentences with Territory, Territory in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Territory
1. This territory is uncharted.
2. What are you doing in my territory?
3. We drove through unfamiliar territory.
4. They extended their territory by conquest.
5. A house is a compressed territory where our basic needs can be fulfilled close by and safely.
6. And so Tamlin unwittingly led the High Lady of the Night Court into the heart of his territory.
7. I was walking in the woods to scope out our territory so I could be like Dad and then it was like… whoa.
8. Julius Nepos, briefly Romulus Augustulus’s predecessor, held territory in Dalmatia and kept the Imperial title until his assassination in 480.
9. The host country typically allows the ambassador control of specific territory called an embassy, whose territory, staff, and vehicles are generally afforded diplomatic immunity in the host country.
10. I’ve always taught that a poor economy is the best opportunity for salespeople because the naysayers and grumblers have already given up, leaving more territory, more opportunities to be successful than in a good economy when virtually all salespeople are out there, giving it their best.