Sentences with Voting, Voting in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Voting
1. If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.
2. Voting is a right best exercised by people who have taken time to learn about the issues.
3. Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
4. Well, my personal mission statement is that we want marriage equality in all 50 states. We want it not to be a state-by-state issue. We don’t want it to be something the majority is voting on. I don’t think the civil rights of any minority should be in the hands of any majority.
1. The vote took place on May sixteenth.
2. The boy cast a vote for the proposition.
3. My father cast a vote for the proposition.
4. 128.We must devote time to our work and family.
5. What is it that impels people to vote for the FDP?
6. We would all like to vote for the best man but he is never a candidate.
7. A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.
8. In my opinion, we don’t devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks.
9. If you are tired of partisanship over patriotism, you need to vote for a change in direction.
10. Clever and attractive women do not want to vote they are willing to let men govern as long as they govern men.
11. Medical physicists work in cooperation with doctors. A few medical physicists devote their time to research and teaching. A few get involved with administrative duties.
12. As they say around the Texas Legislature, if you can’t drink their whiskey, screw their women, take their money, and vote against ’em anyway, you don’t belong in office.
13. Civil and political rights are critical, but not often the real problem for the destitute sick. My patients in Haiti can now vote but they can’t get medical care or clean water.
14. Today, I will vote in support of the Marriage Protection Amendment. I shall do so because like President Bush, I strongly believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
15. The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls which imprison men because they are different from other men.