Sentences with Zoo, Zoo in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Zoo

Sentences with Zoo, Zoo in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Zoo


1. Have you ever been to the zoo?

2. The elephant was brought to the zoo.

3. Alex begged me to take him to the zoo.

4. Samuel begged me to take him to the zoo.

5. Let’s go to the zoo to see them feed the seals.


6. A zoologist who observed gorillas in their native habitat was amazed by the uniformity of their life and their vast idleness.

7. I know zoos are no longer in people’s good graces. Religion faces the same problem. Certain illusions about freedom plague them both.

8. Especially when you are in nature areas, when you go to the zoo or want to talk about a movie or a documentary, you often want to use the word flock.

9. My mom once lost track of me at the zoo and when she found me I was lecturing a man about the difference between dromedary and Bactrian camels. I was about 3 1/2.

10. Zoos are becoming facsimiles – or perhaps caricatures – of how animals once were in their natural habitat. If the right policies toward nature were pursued, we would need no zoos at all.

11. In romance, we feel the need to zoom in and expound on our partner’s foibles in intimate detail; in friendship, we tend to do the opposite, avoiding confrontation through fear, lethargy or both.


12. The grounding in natural sciences which I obtained in the course of my medical studies, including preliminary examinations in botany, zoology, physics, and chemistry, was to become decisive in determining the trend of my literary work.

13. What I would say to the young men and women who are beset by hopelessness and doubt is that they should go and see what is being done on the ground to fight poverty, not like going to the zoo but to take action, to open their hearts and their consciences.
