Countable and Uncountable Nouns List, Definition and Examples

English Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Definition and Examples


Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Nouns, although it seems simple, is a subject that contains a lot of details. Countable and uncountable nouns are in fact not very difficult to distinguish. In English, countable and uncountable nouns are known as countable and uncountable nouns. Countable and uncountable nouns determine the amount of objects or how to express them directly when describing the object itself.  For example, while we can refer to a book as a book object, we cannot express water as a water.


Where to use Countable and Uncountable Nouns?

In fact, countable and uncountable nouns should definitely be used if a noun is to be mentioned. It should be used, whether the noun can be counted or uncountable. Otherwise, we may misrepresent the noun. Considerations for countable and uncountable objects are as follows;

A, an and the: They come in front of nouns and give some information about that noun. For example, if the noun can be counted and singular noun, the noun must be preceded by a, an or the. If the noun mentioned is a noun known to both the referring and the referenced, the noun is used even if it cannot be counted.

However, this is not the case for the “an” and “a”.  ’’ A and an ’’ are only used for countable singular nouns.

There is and There are usage: These are used to indicate whether an object or objects exists.  For example, there is an apple on the chair. In this sentence, ‘there is and there are’ are used. If there is an uncountable name or a singular name that can be counted, ’there is” is used.  If there are plurable nouns, isim there are ”is used.

This, These, That and Those usage: These are sign pronouns used in English. So it is preferable to use expressions such as “this, that, those, these. This, these, that and those are also used with nouns. For example, “this apple, that apple”.  If a cue pronoun is used for an uncountable noun, the noun is preceded by “this’ ’or’ ’that. For example, “These lightning bolts are too much”.


Much, Many, A little and A: In English, “Much and Many’ means too much, while a little and a few means less and a little. However, a few ’’ and ’’ many ’are used in countable plural nouns, while’ ’Much‘ and ‘a little ’are used with uncountable nouns.

Note: Quantity markers such as “some, a lot of, any can be used with both countable and uncountable.

If a noun is to be mentioned in English, it must be known whether the noun is countable or uncountable.  Because grammatical structures differ by noun.

Note: English is a noun that cannot be counted, but currencies can be counted.

100 Examples of Uncountable Nouns
  1. Advice
  2. Aggresion
  3. Assistance
  4. Beauty
  5. Beef
  6. Bravery
  7. Bread
  8. Butter
  9. Cake
  10. Cash
  11. Chaos
  12. Clothing
  13. Confidence
  14. Content
  15. Cotton
  16. Danger
  17. Darkness
  18. Driving
  19. Education
  20. Energy
  21. Enjoyment
  22. Equipment
  23. Failure
  24. Faith
  25. Fame
  26. Fuel
  27. Fruit
  28. Gasoline
  29. Grief
  30. Gold
  31. Guilt
  32. Golf
  33. Harm
  34. Happiness
  35. Homework
  36. Humour
  37. Help
  38. Ice
  39. Information
  40. Intelligence
  41. Jam
  42. Jewellery
  43. Knowledge
  44. Laughter
  45. Love
  46. Luggage
  47. Machinery
  48. Money
  49. Meat
  50. Milk
  51. Motivation
  52. Mustand
  53. Nature
  54. News
  55. Paper
  56. Perfume
  57. Patience
  58. Peace
  59. Pride
  60. Progress
  61. Publicity
  62. Pasta
  63. Rain
  64. Research
  65. Rice
  66. Salt
  67. Seafood
  68. Space
  69. Shopping
  70. Silence
  71. Soup
  72. Spaghetti
  73. Sugar
  74. Silver
  75. Smoke
  76. Snow
  77. Spelling
  78. Software
  79. Stress
  80. Sunshine
  81. Tea
  82. Tennis
  83. Time
  84. Transportation
  85. Travel
  86. Thunder
  87. Traffic
  88. Trust
  89. Toast
  90. Understanding
  91. Unemployment
  92. Violence
  93. Vision
  94. Warmth
  95. Water
  96. Wealth
  97. Weather
  98. Wisdom
  99. Wood
  100. Youth