Phrasal Verbs – HOLD, Definitions and Example Sentences

Phrasal Verbs – HOLD, Definitions and Example Sentences


Phrasal Verbs – HOLD, Definitions and Example Sentences

Hold out on

to refuse to give help to sb

Don’t hold out on meI need your help.


Hold on

to keep a telephone line open

Hold on, I’ll check in my diary.


Hold out

to continue resistance


I could hold out against  the new reform.


Hold back

to refrain

The president couldn’t hold back his anger any longer.


Hold with

to support, approve of

Most of them didn’t hold with our theory.


Hold down

to keep under control


How could you hold down the situation?


Hold over

to postpone for a further period

Let’s hold over this discussion until our next meeting.


Hold up

to delay

Why were you holding  everyone up?


Hold off

to delay action

Hold off making a decision until next week.


Hold on to

to keep sth/sb that is important

Hold on to the ticketWe will need it later.
