Verb + Preposition; TO and Examples. Verb + to list and example sentences;
- Add to
- Adjust to
- Admit to
- Appeal to
- Belong to
- Compare to
- Confess to
- Contribute to
- Explain to
- Get married to
- Listen to
- Object to
- React to
- Refer to
- Reply to
- Respond to
- See to
- Speak to
- Subscribe to
- Sentence to
- Talk to
- Turn to
- Write to
Table of Contents
Add to
Meaning: join (something) to something else for increase the amount, size etc…
Example Sentences:
- It is easy to add 10 to 100.
- Ok, I added her name to the list.
Adjust to
Meaning: set, regulate
Example Sentences:
- Our eyes haven’t yet adjusted to the darkness.
- It took me a while to adjust to it, too.
Admit to
Meaning: confess / accept, approve
Example Sentences:
- The thief admitted to his guilt.
- She reluctantly admitted to breaking the glass.
Appeal to
Meaning: make a serious request.
Example Sentences:
- My father appeals to me.
- Immigrants appealed to us for help.
Belong to
Meaning: be interest in / be rightly placed in a position.
Example Sentences:
- They don’t belong to this cabinet.
Compare to
Meaning: crosscheck, check, match
Example Sentences:
- George’s problems are nothing compared to My father’s.
Confess to
Meaning: admit, allow
Example Sentences:
- George confessed to stealing the food in supermarket.
Contribute to
Meaning: conduce, lend, subscribe, subscribe to
Example Sentences:
- He contributed several articles to the review.
Explain to
Meaning: make something clear
Example Sentences:
- I explained it to my teacher.
Get married to
Meaning: marry, wed
Example Sentences:
- My sister don’t want to get married before she is 25.
Listen to
Meaning: hear, obey, attend
Example Sentences:
- I like to listen to the music.
Object to
Meaning: oppose, dispute, contest
Example Sentences:
- I object to have you treat this child like this.
React to
Meaning: act in response to something
Example Sentences:
- How did your family react to the bad news?
Refer to
Meaning: mention to, allude to.
Example Sentences:
- I often hear my grandfather refer to his childhood.
Reply to
Meaning: answer, response, replication
Example Sentences:
- Should I reply to her letter?
Respond to
Meaning: answer, reply
Example Sentences:
- We can respond to her question.
See to
Meaning: view, observe, sight, consider
Example Sentences:
- I’ll see to them later.
Speak to
Meaning: talk
Example Sentences:
- Please speak to me.
Subscribe to
Meaning: join, participate, attend
Example Sentences:
- I subscribe to four newspapers.
Sentence to
Meaning: adjudge, adjudicate
Example Sentences:
- Her father was sentenced to death.
Talk to
Meaning: speech, conversation, speaking
Example Sentences:
- Please talk to me!
Turn to
Meaning: return, rotation
Example Sentences:
- Turn to the left.
Write to
Meaning: record, compose
Example Sentences:
- I wrote to my mother.