Feel Past Simple, Simple Past Tense of Feel Past Participle, V1 V2 V3 Form Of Feel
Feel means: be aware of through touching or being touched.
V1 V2 V3 Form of Feel
V1 | V2 | V3 |
Feel | Felt | Felt |
Synonym Words For FEEL
- ambience
- atmosphere
- aura
- feeling
- impression
- mood
- quality
- sense
- touch
- finish
- palpation
- semblance
- sensation
- surface
- tactility
- vibes
- taction
Example Sentences with Feel, Felt, Felt V1 V2 V3
- Hey, don’t feel bad.
- He felt persecuted.
- I feel like telling him what I think of him.
- This wall feels cold.
- I felt like screaming.
Here are other verbs V1 V2 V3 List
V1 Base Form | V2 Past Simple | V3 Past Participle |
abide | abode | abode |
arise | arose | arisen |
awake | awoke | awoken |
be | was/were | been |
bear | bore | born |
beat | beat | beaten |
beget | begot | begotten |
begin | began | begun |
bend | bent | bent |
breed | bred | bred |
bring | brought | brought |
broadcast | broadcast | broadcast |
build | built | built |
burn | burnt | burnt |
burst | burst | burst |
buy | bought | Bought |
do | did | done |
draw | drew | drawn |
dream | dreamt | dreamt |
drink | drank | drunk |
drive | drove | driven |
dwell | dwelt | dwelt |
eat | ate | eaten |
fall | fell | fallen |
feed | fed | fed |
feel | felt | felt |
fight | fought | fought |
find | found | found |
flee | fled | fled |
fly | flew | flown |
forbid | forbad(e) | forbidden |
forecast | forecast | forecast |
forget | forgot | forgotten |
forsake | forsook | forsaken |
freeze | froze | frozen |
V1 Base Form | V2 Past Simple | V3 Past Participle |
grind | ground | ground |
go | went | gone |
hang | hung | hung |
have | had | had |
hear | heard | heard |
hide | hid | hidden |
hit | hit | hit |
hold | held | held |
hurt | hurt | hurt |
keep | kept | kept |
kneel | knelt | knelt |
know | knew | known |
lay | laid | laid |
lead | led | led |
lean | leant | leant |
steal | stole | stolen |
stick | stuck | stuck |
sting | stung | stung |
stink | stank | stunk |
strike | struck | struck |
string | strung | strung |
strive | strove | striven |
swear | swore | sworn |
sweep | swept | swept |
swim | swam | swum |
swing | swung | swung |
teach | taught | taught |
tear | tore | torn |
tell | told | told |
think | thought | thought |
throw | threw | thrown |
thrust | thrust | thrust |
tread | trod | trodden |
wake | woke | woken |
wear | wore | worn |