English Color Name List, List Of Colors
Colors are visual perceptions that are identified by color categories such as yellow, pink, green, blue, red and black.
- Black
- Grey
- Red
- Blue
- Orange
- White
- Brown
- Pink
- Yellow
- Green
- Purple
- Maroon
- Turquoise
- Cyan
- Navy blue
- Gold
- Tomato
- Teal
- Lime
- Cyan
- Wheat
- Salmon
- Olive
- Aqua
- Violet
- Chocolate
- Azure
- Sİlver
- Bronze
- Dark blue
- Navy and etc…
–We use the adjectives ‘light’, ‘dark’ and ‘bright’ to indicate the hue of the colors.
A dark green skirt, the dark blue car, two dark brown chairs
A Light pink fingernail polish, a light purple blanket
Four bright orange pumpkins, bright purple, a bright yellow sun etc.
– When asking the color of an object ‘What color is … / are … ?’ We use the pattern.
What color is it?
– It is blue.
What color are balloons?
– Balloons are pink.
What color is your car?
– My car is black.
What color are his bother’s balls?
-His bother’s balls are white.
What color are they?
– They are maroon.
– When we want to qualify objects for which we are not sure of the color, we can add ‘- ish’ to the end of the color.
Bluish, reddish, brownish, blackish, greenish etc.
– How to use colors in a sentence?
– In English, colors are called adjectives because they indicate the property of an entity. The colors are also written before the word described.
I like to eat black olives for breakfast.
White – winged birds are flying like an angel.
Favourite girl have blue eyes.
Some speech patterns:
– What is your favorite color?
+ My favorite color is red but i like wearing pink shoes.
– Really, do you have pink shoes?
+Yes, I have two pink shoes. I usually wear them in summer because i wear dark color shoes in winter.
– Good. What color are your hat?
+They are in different colors. They usually bright colors.
Color Sentences
- Look at those black clouds.
- Alex’s attracted to black women.
- Chicken meat is white, whereas that of an ox is red.
- If you mix red and white, you get orange.
- There are some oranges on the tree.
- These oranges are mine.
- If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
- Blue and green go very well together.
- The banana has not turned brown yet.
- His brother’s bike colour is neither white nor brown.
- The bottle Steve was holding had a purple label.
- When I am an old woman I shall wear purple. With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.