Sentences with Advised, Advised in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Advised

Sentences with Advised, Advised in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Advised


1. Steve advised an early start.

2. He advised her to be punctual.

3. We advised them to start early.

4. Jessica advised him to go there.

5. Alex advised him on that matter.


6. George advised us against doing it.

7. Jessica advised him to lose weight.

8. Mary advised him to drink more milk.

9. My sister advised him to stop smoking.

10. Pam was advised by him to stop smoking.

11. My mother advised him against doing it.


12. The girl advised him to give up drinking.

13. Samuel advised her on how to stay healthy.

14. She advised her children not to be selfish.

15. Frank advised the job applicant to redo her resume.

16. You might want to lie down,” Magnus advised. “I find that it helps when the crushing sense of horrible realization sets in.

17. UK students with an offer from the University of Cambridge are advised to wait for further information from the university.

18. He came with a delegation and advised them bluntly to make each man sign a loyalty oath before allowing him to fly on a combat mission.

19. I’ve been advised not to have any more children for medical reasons, so that’s it – the shop has closed, even though I would have loved a daughter.
