Sentences with Dad, Dad in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Dad

Sentences with Dad, Dad in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Dad


1. How is your dad?

2. Dad will cook for us.

3. I love my mom and dad.

4. Did dad buy a new car?

5. Alex’s dad is very strict.


6. My mom and dad met in London.

7. Mom and Dad are playing tennis.

8. I am blessed to have Mom and Dad.

9. My Dad never works on the weekends.

10. My dad never works on the weekends.

11. We will wash my dad’s car tomorrow.


12. Daddy, What’s the horizontal tango?

13. Dad counted the nails in his toolbox.

14. I always wanted what Mom and Dad had.

15. My dad is thinking of moving next week.

16. Dad says he can’t get his work together.

17. My dad bought a new green car this week.

18. My dad is confused about a new purchase.

19. I need to help dad, then I can watch TV.

20. My dad likes to eat cheese for breakfast.

21. My mom and my stepdad are both therapists.

22. My dad enjoys to eat cheese for breakfast.

23. My dad always gets up early in the morning.

24. Dad brought the kids and gave them ice cream.

25. My dad is always late for work in the morning.

26. Mom and Dad are going to buy a new car next week.

27. My dad will buy a new car and choose the green one.

28. My dad left when I was 3 1/2, and he left my mom and I.

29. If my dad hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t fix the car alone.

30. If my dad hadn’t helped me, I couldn’t fix the car alone.

31. On my mom’s side I’m Mexican, and my dad is a white dude.

32. Every kid needs to say, ‘I want what my mom and dad have.’

33. My dad was Jewish. My mom is not. So I was not raised anything.

34. My dad sold encyclopedias and my mom worked in a factory office.

35. I forgive my mom for being a psycho and my dad for being a loser.

36. Yes, I always remember my dad‘s, mom’s and my grandma’s perfumes.

37. I usually travel with a lot of people, like my dad, mom and sisters.

38. When my dad divorced my mom it was kind of like him leaving me also.

39. My dad believes in God, I think. I’m not sure if my mom does. I don’t.

40. My dad is a Deadhead, my mom’s a Jewish-American princess from Jersey.

41. My mother and dad love to go on vacation, they want to see new places.

42. My mom’s a social worker, and my dad works in non-profit organisations.

43. My dad‘s an architect and my mom owned a French bakery for twelve years.

44. My mom grew up in Kansas, my dad in Indiana. They had boring childhoods.

45. But my mother and father were married when my mom was 20 and my dad was 24.

46. I go off and make movies I come home, and I’m a dad and I hang with my girls.
