Sentences with Develop, Develop in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Develop

Sentences with Develop, Develop in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Develop


1. Reading develops the mind.

2. The plot develops rapidly.

3. USA is a developed country.

4. Steve developed his own theory.

5. The storm developed into a typhoon.


6. Mark needed to develop empathy skills.

7. The country is agriculturally developed.

8. Children’s imagination is very developed.

9. Children’s imagination is very developed.

10. Fear is a darkroom where negatives develop.

11. Turkey has developed a lot in recent years.


12. It takes time to develop political awareness.

13. Keep me apprised of any further developments.

14. I’ll focus on the market development for 2011.

15. If there are any new developments, let me know.

16. Character develops itself in the stream of life.

17. Steve contributed to the development to the city.

18. I did not expect it to develop that much in 3 years.

19. Economic growth differs mainly from economic development.

20. Mosques have developed significantly over the past 1400 years.

21. You’re not a moron. You’re only a case of arrested development.

22. Society develops wit, but its contemplation alone forms genius.

23. You’re not a moron. You’re only a case of arrested development.

24. When the soul suffers too much, it develops a taste for misfortune.

25. To regret one’s own experiences is to arrest one’s own development.

26. It arrests development and short-circuits the cultivation of wisdom.

27. Our ancestors developed massive jaws as a result of constant combat.

28. With a little empathy, you’ll understand why things develop this way.

29. Men are only as good as their technical development allows them to be.

30. Talent develops in solitude, character develops in the stream of life.

31. Counterfeit medicines are a widespread problem in developing countries.

32. Evolution has no foresight. Complex machinery develops its own agendas.

33. She has developed her mathematics lesson a lot since she started school.

34. Apple doesn’t provide technical support for apps created by other developers.

35. Between birth to 1 year of age, babies grow and develop at an astounding rate.

36. A key component of becoming a broadcaster is developing a strong on-air personality.

37. Disadvantages emerge as we develop inventions that make life easier in modern times.

38. One cannot develop taste from what is of average quality but only from the very best.

39. We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.

40. I have devoted much time and energy to helping medical physics in developing countries.

41. If they could have developed their business, they would have enlarged their workplaces.

42. Having inner beauty is something you develop on your own, and I like to think I have that.

43. The coronavirus epidemic has not yet fully demonstrated its impact in developing countries.

44. Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.

45. His lack of education is more than compensated for by his keenly developed moral bankruptcy.

46. Fairness is not an attitude. It’s a professional skill that must be developed and exercised.

47. The term capability development refers to creating a new capability or enhancing an existing one.

48. Your destiny isn’t just fate; it is how you use your own developed abilities to get what you want.

49. Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.

50. The grade is an administrative device which does violence to the nature of the developmental process.

51. The process hasn’t changed, but the writer has developed. I still get up every morning and go to work.

52. Each holiday tradition acts as an exercise in cognitive development, a greater challenge for the child.
