Sentences with Fixture, Fixture in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Fixture

Sentences with Fixture, Fixture in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Fixture


1.The National Rating Day has become a major fixture in the Rating calendar.

2.You’re a permanent fixture in my life. You’re not going anywhere.

3.I remember the texture of the ceilings and the cracks and the colors and the damp spots and the light fixtures.

4.I’d made water shoot out of the bathroom fixtures. I didn’t understand how. But the toilets responded to me. I had become one with the plumbing.

5.I have a pesky little critic in the back of my mind. He’s a permanent fixture and passes judgment on everything I write.


6.One of them hung a pink bra from our lighting fixture. I left it there.

7.White and scrubbed, antique brass fixtures and a skylight letting in a flood of sunshine. Wow. You could get a tan standing around in the shower, for Christ’s sake.
