Sentences with intended, intended in a Sentence in English, Sentences For intended
1. They intended to drill for oil.
2. The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter.
3. It is not intended to provide medical, legal, or any other professional advice.
4. I can see that you spoke in ignorance, and I bitterly regret that I should have been so petty as to take offence where none was intended.
5. The chief difference between words and deeds is that words are always intended for men for their approbation, but deeds can be done only for God.
6. Priests are not men of the world it is not intended that they should be and a University training is the one best adapted to prevent their becoming so.
7. An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a definite proposition… A contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.
8. I had not intended to love him; the reader knows I had wrought hard to extirpate from my soul the germs of love there detected; and now, at the first renewed view of him, they spontaneously revived, great and strong! He made me love him without looking at me.
9. Selection bias is the bias introduced by the selection of individuals, groups, or data for analysis in such a way that proper randomization is not achieved, thereby failing to ensure that the sample obtained is representative of the population intended to be analyzed.