Sentences with Told, Told in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Told

Sentences with Told, Told in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Told


1. Samuel told Alex.

2. Who told you this?

3. I haven’t told anyone.

4. You should’ve told me.

5. Have you told Alex yet?


6. Why wasn’t I told that?

7. Alex told me to slow down.

8. She told him to try harder.

9. I told you I’d protect you.

10. Who told you to contact me?

11. Steve told me where to shop.


12. I wish you’d told me before.

13. All truths are not to be told.

14. They told him to cut his beard.

15. Make sure you do as you’re told.

16. I might not have told Alex that.

17. Steve told us to depart at once.

18. You’ve never told me about that.

19. No one’s ever told me that before.

20. I told you the computer is broken.

21. My mother told me to mow the lawn.

22. See, I told you Mary couldn’t swim.

23. I told you Tom was really annoying.

24. You should have told me in advance.

25. I’ve been told that I behaved badly.

26. I told Steve not to go into the cave.

27. I explicitly told Tom not to do that.

28. You told me you stole his motorcycle.

29. Alex told Jessica the absolute truth.

30. Frank reluctantly did as he was told.

31. I told Samuel to label all the boxes.

32. My boss told me to rewrite the report.

33. You haven’t told me whose car this is.

34. I told Tantalus to go chase a doughnut.

35. Meryem told a very funny joke yesterday.

36. Alex came even though I told him not to.

37. He told me he could fall in love with me.

38. Mother told a short story to her daughter.

39. You told me this lawsuit isn’t about race.

40. We lost because we told ourselves we lost.

41. Steve told his assistant that he would win.

42. I need to verify everything you’ve told us.

43. Someone told me that Tom had joined a cult.

44. A boy’s story is the best that is ever told.

45. My father told you to watch Steve carefully.

46. The man broke down when the doctor told her.

47. He told us he had visited Paris twice before.

48. I have told you that you should not go there.

49. Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.

50. Samuel break into the conversation and told us.

51. An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told.

52. Frank told me he thought Jessica was unfriendly.
