Sentences with Top, Top in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Top

Sentences with Top, Top in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Top


1. I can reach the top shelf.

2. Alex slept on the top bunk.

3. We only sell top quality products.

4. I’m too short to reach the top shelf.

5. I’m too short to reach the top shelf.


6. He called us at the top of his lungs.

7. I am too short to reach the top shelf.

8. I can’t reach things on the top shelf.

9. An old castle stands on top of the cliff.

10. Alex graduated near the top of his class.

11. The spinning top skidded across the floor.


12. He decorated the house from top to bottom.

13. Will looked over the top of his spectacles.

14. Steve was too short to reach the top shelf.

15. I want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

16. Steve started screaming at the top of her lungs.

17. An hole loaded with gold climbs to the top of the castle.

18. Because she worked harder, Cassie became the top of her class.

19. Mary bought the top hybrid car, which will help her save on gas.

20. Why should we place Christ at the top and summit of the human race?

21. They reach the summit last because they know God isn’t at the top waiting for them.

22. You have to spend a lot to make a lot. It’s not like I’m sitting on top of a pile of money.

23. I know, up on top you are seeing great sights, but down here at the bottom we, too, should have rights.

24. You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.

25. Even top caliber hospitals cannot escape medical mistakes that sometimes result in irreparable damage to patients.

26. Well, you know, I was raised by a 1970s feminist. My mom had a consciousness-raising group. I used to sit at the top of the stairs and listen to them.

27. The letter had been crumpled up and tossed onto the grate. It had burned all around the edges, so the names at the top and bottom had gone up in smoke.

28. Regional differences vanish. All differences vanish. In a mass-media world, there’s less of everything except the top ten books, records, movies, ideas.

29. A headquarters is the entity at the top of a corporation that takes full responsibility for the overall success of the corporation, and ensures corporate governance.

30. It’s very trying on a marriage when you’re doing a one hour show, week after week after week. You don’t have enough time for people that maybe you should have top priority.

31. The jokes are great but what really matters for a comedian is his performance, his whole attitude, and the laughs that he gets between the jokes rather than on top of the jokes.
