Sentences with Unfair, Unfair in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Unfair

Sentences with Unfair, Unfair in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Unfair


1. They live unfairly.

2. I’ll beat you unfairly first.

3. He said the treaty was unfair.

4. They let him cheat on his own exam, which was unfair.

5. Think of the last time you felt humiliated or treated unfairly.


6. Every child is affected thus the first time he is treated unfairly.

7. Unless Japan eliminates its unfair tariffs, the U.S. will impose sanctions.

8. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle of a sentence.

9. How unfair she’d been to assume love and money would preclude pain and hardship.

10. It is unfair to blame man too fiercely for being pugnacious he learned the habit from Nature.

11. The price of privilege is the moral duty to act when one sees another person treated unfairly.


12. Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. The grave will supply plenty of time for silence.

13. There is always inequality in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded and some men never leave the country. Life is unfair.

14. We are, in fact, the sum total of our choices. Events unfold so unpredictably, so unfairly, Human happiness does not seem to be included in the design of creation.

15. In liberal logic, if life is unfair then the answer is to turn more tax money over to politicians, to spend in ways that will increase their chances of getting reelected.
