What Is a Formal Letter? Formal Letter Rules and Examples Of Formal Letter
Formal Letter
You may think the letters are no longer used. Actually, this is not a correct opinion. The formal letter is still used for important jobs. In our article today, we will talk about how to write a formal letter and what are the rules. You can read our entire article to find out.
What Is a Formal Letter?
Formal letters are written adhering to certain rules. Formal letters are mostly written to higher authorities, public institutions. You can use a formal letter to express a wish or request. Letters that do not follow the formal letter rules are often ignored, so learning the rules is important.
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What Are The Formal Letter Rules?
There are some patterns you should follow when writing formal letters. Where you write what and where is extremely important. Below you will see them one by one.
Date: The date you wrote your letter. You can put it at the top of your page, right or left. You must write a complete date.
Sender’s address: You must clearly write your own address just below the date. The address should be on the left side of the page.
Inside Address: You should write the address of the person you will send to just below your own address.
Salutation: You should address the person or institution you will write in an official language.
Body Text: Here you should enter the subject and say what you have to say in 2 or 3 paragraphs. Again, you should make sure that you are using formal language. In the last part, add a short paragraph written in the call to action language. You must call the recipient to make your request.
Signature: Here you have to sign. You must end the page with your signature.
You should make sure you use clear language when writing your letter. Communicate what you have to say to the other party succinctly.
Examples Of Formal Letter
June 6, 2021
Wesley Heights Trail,
Washington, District of Columbia,
20007:20016, United States
John Vesley
4266, Suitland Road,
Arnold Heights, Suitland,
Prince George’s County,
Maryland, 20746, United States
Dear Mr. Atalanta:
We have been sitting on the same site for a long time. I learned that you are the responsible person for this site. I wanted to write to you on a few topics that I am not satisfied with. I am sitting at number 5. I have two cats in my house. I learned that my other neighbors were uncomfortable with this situation. They always come to me with complaints. While I was holding the house, I was told that cats would not be a problem.
I have something to say about apartment 7, which lives upstairs. I want to say that they made a lot of noise after 10 o’clock. They listen to loud music and shout a lot. Of course, I understand that they have fun, but it bothers me that this situation is constant.
As far as I know, it is not right for other neighbors to constantly come to me to complain. I ask you to talk to the neighbors about this issue and correct it. I would like you to state that I can take care of each of my cats and that this is included in the rules of this site. I also expect you to talk to Flat 7.
With kind regards
As you can see, we followed exactly the rules we mentioned in the example. First, we made a date on the right. Then we wrote our own address and the address of whom we were going to send it to. Then we addressed the recipient in an official language. We explained what we will tell in 3 different paragraphs. The last paragraph is written in the call to action language. We showed our respects and finished the letter with our signature.
You have to follow these rules as a structure. However, you should be sure that you are using formal language and that you are clear when making your request. Mention your brief and concise request and explain your reasons. If you wish, you can say your wishes in 2 paragraphs.