Types of Noun, 8 Kinds of Nouns with Examples
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We use a large number of words or phrases in the process of expressing ourselves using the English language. When describing objects, talking about objects, trying to name events and facts, we often need to use a group of words called nouns. Nouns are words used as qualifiers for both private and general assets. Nouns are perhaps the type of word you will use most when using the English language. Therefore, getting detailed information about this phrase affects your language development positively.
What Is a Noun?
No matter what language you use, you need to ask the questions “Who?”, “Where?” And “What?” In order to find the word group called noun in the sentence. Names can be used plurally according to different rules. In this context, we will first examine how the plural forms of nouns differ.
Plural Forms of Nouns
Single nouns can be easily pluralized. Pluralization is a process that can be performed in names that can be counted. In this part of our article, all of the examples we will list for you consist of countable nouns. There are some types of nouns that cannot be made in plural form in English, called uncountable nouns. We will examine them later in the article.
- Put -s to the end of the noun: If you want to make a name plural, you need to add -s suffix to the last syllables of the names. You can plural many names in English in this way. But remember, some words may require a different system.
- Pencil – pencils
- Telephone – telephones
- Eraser – erasers
- Necklace – necklaces
- Pen – pens
- Sharpener – sharpeners
- Blusher – blushers
- Shop – shops
- Sock – socks
- Feet – feets
- Put -es suffix to the end of the noun: In some words in English, it is not right to add s to the end of the word. It can be said that when a noun ends with ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, you should use -es, rather than -s. As you get used to the English language, you will better learn which suffix varieties should be brought to which words. Generally, some words ending with a consonant letter must be brought -es suffix.
- Box – Boxes
- truss – trusses
- tax – taxes
- blitz – blitzes
- bus – buses
- marsh – marshes
- lunch – lunches
- blitz – blitzes
Relative Pronouns, Definition and Examples
- Put -es suffix to the end of the noun if there is an -o voice: In some cases, to make the plural of the word, we still need to bring -es suffix to the words. But in order to make this decision, we first need to make sure that the last letter is -o. Such words are very few in English. However, it may still be useful to learn this rule.
- Tomato – tomatoes
- Potato – potatoes
- Put -ies suffix to the end of the noun: In order to form the plural form of some nouns, we need to make some changes in that noun. If the name you want to make the plural ends with the letter y, you need to follow this rule. In such a case, completely remove the letter y in the last syllable from the word. Replace this letter with is -ies suffix. In this way, the word will be plural. But remember that before you can apply this rule, the consonant letter must be present in the word before the letter y.
- City – cities
- Puppy – puppies
- Put -i suffix to the end of the noun: There are many words in English that end differently. If the end of the word you want to plural ends with -us, then what you need to do is pretty easy. Omit the -us part at the end of the word completely, add -i suffix to the word instead. In this way, you will get a plural name.
- Cactus – cacti
- Focus – foci
- Apparatus – apparati
- Asparagus – asparagi
- Do nothing: Although there are some words that can be counted in English, they do not receive any plural suffix. Although it will surprise you that people use these words in everyday life, you will easily get used to it. We have tried to give you a few examples of these below. The plural and singular states of these words are exactly the same. Therefore, these words cannot be changed.
- sheep – sheep
- species – species
- deer –deer
- series – series
- Memorize the irregular plurals: The plural forms of some words can be quite different from the singular ones. We call these words irregular words. Memorizing these words and using them correctly in everyday life can really make your life easier. If you want a more detailed explanation, you can reach a detailed explanation under irregular nouns. We have tried to give you a few examples on the subject below.
- Datum – data
- Child – children
- Person – people
You should memorize how to make nouns plural in order to talk good English. In addition to that, using the words in an accurate way will make you gain bonuses during your English classes. Do not forget that there are no rules for some nouns, while there are some rules for regular nouns. To distinguish them is also important.
You can examine our other articles in order to get detailed information about other features of the nouns.
Here are 8 Kinds of Nouns with Examples;
Common Noun
Nonspecific people, places, things or ideas
Examples; Man, city, religion etc…
Proper Noun
Specific people, places, things…
Examples; Albert Einstein, London etc…
Abstract Noun
Something that you can not perceive with your five senses
Examples; Belief, love, pride, happiness etc…
Concrete Noun
Something that you can perceive with your five senses
Examples; Apple, lion, eyes, flower etc…
Countable Noun
Can be counted
Examples; Pencil/pencils, apple/apples, train, clock etc…
Uncountable Noun
Cannot be counted
Examples; Milk, music, food, water, snow, rice etc…
Compound Noun
Made up of two or more smaller words
Examples; Textbook, snowball, seafood, sunflower
Collective Noun
Refer to a group of things as one whole
Examples; Bunch, audience, flock, group, family
Singular Noun
Refer to one person, place things, or idea
Examples; Cat, dog, ship, monkey, hero etc…
Plural Noun
Refer to more than one person, place things, or idea
Examples; Dogs, cats, ships, babies etc..