5 examples of noun sentences in english

5 examples of noun sentences in english


Types of Nouns in English with Useful Examples

Here are Types of Nouns List

Concrete Nouns

Concrete nouns are objects, people and places that we can perceive and live with our five sense organs. These five sense organs are tasting, touching, seeing, hearing and smell.

Today, my friend and the teacher put us in separate rows.

Concrete nouns are divided into two: concrete nouns and proper nouns.

Common Nouns

Common nouns are used to mean certain things. (tree, computer, book)


Proper Nouns

It is called names given to certain things, that is, they are also called special names. (Brad Pitt, Niagara Falls)

Abstract Nouns

We could perceive concrete nouns with our five sense organs, and abstract nouns are used for objects and things that we cannot perceive with our five sense organs. For example ideas.

  • I fell in love with the handsome guy who just came to the office today.
  • They say that happiness is always contagious.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and uncountable nouns vary according to the language used. In some languages, an object is counted, while in some languages it is considered an uncountable noun. Some names that can be counted in English can be counted in other languages.

We can count the nouns that can be counted by the number. They have a singular and a plural, and when the noun is singular, the expression ‘a’ and ‘an’ are used. If we want to ask a question about a countable object, we can use the question “how many?”

I have two cats and three birds.

We cannot use numbers for nouns that cannot be counted. Numerous nouns can often be abstract ideas and objects. In addition, unnumbered nouns do not have a plural form. In nouns that cannot be counted as in the nouns that can be counted, we cannot use the ‘a’ and ‘an’ tokens in front of the name. The following expressions are often used to indicate that names are uncountable names: a lot of, much, a day of, a bit of etc.


Can I have some water please?

Apart from these, some nouns have both usable and uncountable noun uses.

Collective Nouns

Community names are used to refer to a community. For example,

  • We need a friend who plays a guitar in our music choir.
  • This week’s football team lost the match.

Compound Nouns

Combined names in English are called names created with more than one word. A hyphen can also be inserted between some compound nouns.

My father-in-law was taken to the hospital overnight.

Possessive Nouns

Possessive nouns are used to report ownership in English. Often we add an apostrophe and + s to understand that individual nouns indicate ownership.

There is a barbecue party in the garden of our house this weekend.

Regular Plural Nouns

There are singular and plural nouns in English. We can make plural by putting –s on singular nouns.

Who owns this dog?

Who owns these dogs?

Irregular Plural Nouns

Some nouns are irregular in English, so there may be differences in the spelling of a wire when a -s tag is placed. For example,

Calf- calves, wife- wives, knife- kniwes etc.

Here are detailed irregular plural nouns list

5 examples of noun sentences

  1. Who owns these dogs?
  2. We need a friend who plays a guitar in our music choir.
  3. He wants a cute kitten for Christmas purposes.
  4. The close-up photos of the Moon surprised humanity.
  5. In summer, the sun’s rays come perpendicular to the Earth.