Possessive Pronoun Definition and Examples

English Using Possessive Pronoun, Definition and Examples


English Using Possessive Pronoun, Definition and Examples

Possessive Pronouns

Pronouns, which is one of the important issues that every person in the English learning process should know, is known as words used in place of a name group, as in many languages. Pronouns are processed in 4 different groups in English. These are respectively; The subject is called pronouns, object pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.

In this article, we will focus on possessive pronouns as a priority. So let’s start to take a look at the detailed English study guide we prepared for you.

To understand this issue, you need to have at least some knowledge about other pronouns. Otherwise, you may have difficulty understanding the sentences used in possessive pronouns. Then, we recommend you to take a look at other English pronouns.

The main difference of English possessive pronouns, which are used in almost the same sense as possessive adjectives, is that no name is used after it. Because it is known to whom the object in question already belongs in the sentence. Possessive Pronouns, which shows who owns something and for this reason informs ownership situation, is a grammar subject that can be easily learned with a short memorization and regular English exercises.

Possessive Pronouns in English

  • My > Mine
  • Your > Yours
  • Her > Hers
  • His > His
  • Its > possessive prono does not exist.
  • Our > Ours
  • Your > Yours
  • Their > Theirs

The most important thing about possessive pronouns is that, unlike possessive adjectives, a name cannot be used after these words. The main reason for this is that in the possessive pronoun in English, it is clear to whom the related object already belongs in the sentence.

When we want to use a / an or this / that with ownership structures, “ determiner + noun  + of mine / yours / his / hers etc. ” structure is used.


Note: Possessive pronouns can be used in both subject and object positions in the sentence.

Example for subject location;

  • Mine is faster than your school. (mine = my school)

Example for object location;

  • Your notebook is more interesting than his. (his = his notebook)

Note: The name is not used after the use of possessive pronouns. For example;

  • This is mine dog. (false)
  • This dog is mine or this is my dog. (true)

Note: Possessive pronouns (a) is often used with a friend of… pattern. For example;

  • John is a friend of mine from class.
  • Are those girl friends of his?

“Whose” statement can be used with or without a name after it. For example;


Whose notebook is this?

Whose is this notebook?

Note: The expression “One’s” cannot be used without a name after it. Instead, the “one’s own” structure is used.

Note: The “Its” pronoun is not used without a name after it. For example;

  • I’ve eaten my breakfast and the dog has eaten its fish too.

In possessive pronouns, as in the subject of possessive adjectives, it indicates who owns the object in question. However, no name comes after them. For example;

  • A: My computer is broken. Can I borrow yours?
  • B: Why don’t you ask Peter?
  • A: I can’t use her as it is too big.
  • B: Ok. I can give you mine as long as you bring it back before breakfast .

Note: The possessive pronoun is used after the preposition of after the determinants such as “A, some, many”. For example;

  • Tommy is a neighbor of Steven (He is a neighbor of his.)
  • Tomas and Cris called a friend of theirs to ask for book.
  • At the end of the year, we went to fun with one of our teachers and had very action and good times together.
  • What do you think about my new house?

In some cases, ‘object pronoun’ can be used instead of ‘possessive pronoun’. In this case, however, the meaning changes. For example;

  • My uncle showed me some of the photos I took in his studio.
  • I showed me some photos I took when I went to the meeting in New York.

Body organs are not used with ‘possessive adjectives’ in cases such as in the examples given below; They are expressed by the ‘the’ token. For example;

  • The boys was wounded on the head.

Example Sentences

  • This computer and tablet are mine. ( = This computer and tablet are my computer and tablet.)
  • My classroom is cleaner than yours. ( = My classroom is cleaner than your classroom.)
  • Their teacher is old, ours is young. ( = Their teacher is old, our teacher is young.)
  • I need a fountain pen. I lost mine
  • My best friend’s gaming computer at school is much stronger than yours.
  • Relatives have a big dog but ours is too small.
  • Denis and Jimmy want to buy a new car because theirs are so worn out.
  • Jesica’s dress is new but hers is old

