Daily Use English Words in English, Words and Definition

Daily Use English Words in English, Words and Definition


Daily Use English Words in English, Words and Definition

Daily Use English Words

If you know the rules of grammar more or less, you can think about time and verb usage, you should know that you can do much better in a short time with a little work. Knowing the common words and their meanings, especially for those who are just learning English, will help them adapt to this language much more easily. When we stop and think, in fact, we do not even use many of them when we use certain words while speaking our mother tongue in daily life.

Can I learn English by myself? Ways to improve your English by yourself

While only 10 percent of all the words you know in your native language can chat perfectly with the person in front of you, why not the same thing for English? Knowing certain words and their meanings will allow you to understand and speak more easily in this language. Then learn what are the most used words and their meanings in English and see for yourself what you can do. Daily use English words are:

About: means about, almost, about. (We are talking about the exam)

All: All, all, all, everything (Is it all mine?)


An: One, (any) one (You are eating an apple.)

And: A conjunction with meaning (Tomas and Samuel are playing.)

Be: To be, to exist, to be (To be continued.)

Because: Explain something (He is very successful because he works continuously.)

By: A binding attachment, to (Billy always goes to school by bus.)

Call: Call by mobile phone (verb) (Melissa call me!)


Come: Coming, approaching (Are you come cinema?)

Did: Second form of the verb do (Did you study French for exam?)

For: Because, according to, purpose, direction, counter, etc.  (preposition)

Go: move

Had: Past tense of the verb “have”

Has: To have

Have: Owning, obtaining, knowing, accepting

Her: (she)

How: How (verb), method of making (noun), in what way (envelope)

If: Setting a condition when describing a situation

In: -de, -de, in, inside, in case etc. is a preposition used in their meanings.

Into: Into, form, become, -e, -ye

Is: It is the third singular form of the verb to be (he is).

It: Inanimate beings or animals

Its: Its, inanimate beings or animals

Like: Loving a situation, event

Long: The distance of something

Look: Looking, searching, healing (verb), appearance, view (noun)

Made: Made, built

Make: Do

Many: Many, how many (adjective)

May: To be possible, can

No: Rejecting something, seeing it negative

Not: Not (negative suffix)

Number: Mobile phone, apartment, apartment, street, school is used for many occasions situation

On: above, above, to, etc. (preposition); continuously (envelope); on (clothes), being on, liked, active etc. (adjective)

One: one, someone, nobody

Said: said (second version of the verb say), said, said

So: Like that, it is

Than: According to,

That: Depending on where it is used, it is, that, the other, such, that much, so, for or so.

The: It is used before names to characterize, it alone has no meaning.

Then: So, according to, compared to

Thing: Something

To: -e, -a, -ye, -ya, -a, -e is a preposition used in the meanings.

Use: Using something

Was: Being past tense (i was, he was).

Way: Direction, method

Well: Illness, good

Were: Being past tense (you were, they were).

With: With, with regard to, due (preposition), accompanying (envelope)

Word: Words used in the sentence

Would: – will, – would, – would, want

Write: Writing something with a pen

Uncle: Means father’s brother

Filed Under: At the bottom of something, at the bottom

Underline: A word is underlined

Understand: Understanding an event completely

Unit: Starting a new topic

Until: Until a time, to

Upon: On top of something

Usually: Means that something is always done the same way

Yard: Free space in front of the house

Year: A new beginning

Yellow: A color variety

Yet: A situation that has not happened yet

Young: Anti the old

Yourself: Possessive supplement

Real: Means a situation literally

Prom: Standing concert, entertainment

Park: Protected land, children’s entertainment place

Wall: Blocking, barrier and distance

City: A place where many people can live together.

Diplomatic: political, official documents, master in relations, full copy of the original, related to foreign policy

Soil: land, dirt and stain

Internet: Performing many actions such as obtaining information over the networks, playing games, reading news

Guitar: A stringed instrument played to sing

Homework: Lessons that the teacher wants the student to do at home

Physics: Known as natural science

Virus: Harmful creatures that harm and destroy the body

As in all languages, learning common words in English is an important step in increasing the basic language level. If you know these words, even if you are alone in a foreign country, you can tell about your problems or requests. Therefore, if you don’t know among the most used English words we have listed above, get started right away! If you wish, you can follow the important tips that we will give on how to learn these words more easily:

  • Use Post-It: One of the most practical and fun ways to memorize is to use post-it. You can write what you do not know from these words on post-it papers and attach them to your board on your desk. Since you will repeat these papers every time you look at them, the words that are frequently used in English will settle in your mind in a shorter time.
  • Put Into Everyday Life: You can examine the objects you frequently see in daily life, the words you use frequently in your native language routine conversations. Among them, you can have an idea about whether there are basic words used in English, you can open the dictionary and look into your mind what you are wondering.
  • Practice Speaking: Of course, the most effective method to use when learning something new in a foreign language is to practice. What are the most used words in English, you may have learned and memorized in a way. However, you have to practice in order to understand in which cases, in which ways and in which pronunciation these words are used!