Sentences with Cinema, Cinema in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Cinema
1. We might go to the cinema.
2. I am going back to cinema.
3. How do you go to the cinema?
4. I sometimes go to the cinema.
5. 75.She won’t go to the cinema.
6. Do you like going to the cinema?
7. We can go to the cinema tomorrow.
8. She quickly quit the cinema hall.
9. He does not go to cinema every weekend.
10. We are going to the cinema on Saturday night.
11. It is too late so that we cannot go to cinema.
12. We are going to the cinema on Wednesday night.
13. First of all we can go to the cinema tomorrow.
14. We were going to cinema yesterday at this time.
15. I have not decided to go to the cinema with you.
16. Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world.
17. I have not decided yet to go to the cinema with you.
18. You will go to that cinema even if they don’t allow you.
19. I will go to the cinema whether Pam comes with me or not.
20. Cinema is a matter of what’s in the frame and what’s out.
21. Let’s go to the cinema early so that we can get good seats.
22. I was enthusiastic about cinema thus I wanted to be an actor.
23. I don’t know whether Jessica will come to the cinema with me or not.
24. My duty is to try to reach beauty. Cinema is emotion. When you laugh you cry.
25. 9.If tomorrow weren’t a holiday, we couldn’t/wouldn’t be able to go to the cinema together.
26. If she were busy as much as she says, she could not (couldn’t) find a time to go to the cinema.
27. I pity the French Cinema because it has no money. I pity the American Cinema because it has no ideas.
28. My mom used to have a lot of European cinema playing in the house, so I’d catch bits and pieces of films.
29. What about going to the cinema tonight? I can guarantee that this movie is better than what we saw last night!
30. I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.