Future Indefinite Tense, Definition and Examples

Using Future Indefinite Tense, Definition and Examples


Using Future Indefinite Tense, Definition and Examples

Future Indefinite Tense

Future indefinite tense is used to express an action that has not taken place yet and will take place in the future. For example, “Billy will play soccer after 1 hour.” There is no planning or intention in the future sentences used in the future indefinite tense. It is used when talking about actions that will occur due to future conditions. Auxiliary verbs ” will ” and ” shall ” are used when these sentences are established. However, “shall” has been dropped from use recently and has been replaced by “will” for all individuals. It is only used in official correspondence. For example;

  • Sera will be a mother.
  • Winter will come again.
  • Will Jesica see that woman in your school?
  • We will live in the different city?

Here are;

Future Simple Tense, Definition and Examples
Future Continuous Tense, Definition and Examples
Future Perfect Tense, Definition and Examples
Future Perfect Continuous Tense, Definition and Examples

At the time of the speech, when any decision about the future is made, future indefinite tense is used. In other words, this time is not used for previously planned and finalized actions. In this use, it is translated as “let me go, let me come” rather than with its appendices that show advanced time such as “I will go, I will come”. For example:

  • You will answer Cannie.
  • I can’t carry this luggage myself. You will help me.
  • I will read to you as soon as I get London.

The above example is one of the best examples of the example given at the time of speaking. Future indefinite tense is also used in cases such as guessing, thinking, hoping, making sure, and worrying about future events. In these cases, the meaning of the sentence is reinforced by using conjunctions like “if, when, as soon as, while”.


In the mass media such as radio, television or newspaper, future programs of official authorities are said as news, while future indefinite tense is used. Future indefinite tense is also used when offering something to the other party. It is also used to promise the other party. For example:

  • You will call when you arrive.

Making questions with future indefinite tense is the same as any other time. See the examples below:

  • What will he drink at launch?
  • Will they learn English next mounth?
  • Will we come to see us in Winter?
  • Will he make a cake on Monday?
  • When will we come to New York?
  • How will Jesica paint this wall?
  • What will your mother give you?
  • Where will we play guitar on Thursday?

It is not shortened when it is used with the auxiliary verb will. Apart from that, all the subjects auxiliary act and positive and negative abbreviations are as follows.

  • I will = I’ll
  • You will = You’ll
  • He will = He’ll
  • She will = She’ll
  • They will = They’ll
  • Will not = Won’t

Note: The use of “shall” has been greatly reduced in modern English. Today it is mostly used in official correspondence. “Shall” auxiliary attachment; it is used only in first person singular and plural persons (I and We) in situations such as a proposal, suggestion or advice. Using with other people (you, he, she, they) is valid only in literary and poetic situations.
